12 Aralık 2007 Çarşamba

JSP Sayfası İçinde Response Redirect

jsp:include tagi ile içeriğini aldığınız sayfa eğer Response redirect ile başka bir sayfaya yönlendirme içeriyorsa, browserınız o sayfaya yönlendirme yapmak yerine sayfaya aşağıdaki içeriği koyar:

URL moved here

Bunu engellemek için, bir sayfanın içeriğini almakta jsp:include tagini değil @include tagini kullanın.


<jsp:include page="icerik.jsp"/>
<%@include file="icerik.jsp"%>

11 Aralık 2007 Salı

Web Sayfasında Flashların En Üstte Görünmesini Engellemek

Geçenlerde içinde flash bulunan bir sayfa üzerine şeffaf bir layer koymaya çalışırken şöyle bir problem yaşadım. Sayfadaki flash objesi ne yaparsam yapayım layerın üzerine çıkıyordu.

Flashın bulunduğu yere "z-index:-1" vermem de bi işe yaramadı.

You can't make a flash movie behave in the z-index - doesn't matter whether the movie is in a layer (div) or not it will always show up on top of any layers that overlap the movie.

Problemin çözümöü flashın "wmode" parametresini "transparent" yapmakmış.

click on the flash file in dreamweaver... open up its parameters.. and make the

parameter: wmode
value: transparent

3 Aralık 2007 Pazartesi

Steve Jobs'tan Hayat Dersleri

Apple ve Pixar'ın kurucusu ve şimdiki CEO'su Steve Jobs'un bir üniversitenin mezuniyet töreninde yaptığı konuşması.

19 Kasım 2007 Pazartesi

Page Expire Problem When Browser's Back Button is Clicked


As a result of a search form submission, results are displayed as links. The user clicks any links and goes to that page. When back button is pressed, browser gives an error.

In detail,

1. User submits an HTML form that does a search.
2. User sees a list of search results, each hyperlinked to a details screen.
3. User clicks one of the "details" hyperlinks.
4. User sees the details screen.
5. User clicks browser's "Back" button to return to the screen in Step 2.
6. Browser gives confusing message about having to resubmit POST data. In Firefox this is a dialog box with OK/Cancel, and IE this is a white screen with the message:

"Warning: Page has Expired The page you requested was created using information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available. As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically resubmit your information for you. To resubmit your information and view this Web page, click the Refresh button."


Handle the form inside javascript, and submit search using request parameters.

Not a Form, a text input field and a link:

Javascript Code:function ProcessSearchSubmit() {
if ( document.getElementById('searchInputId') ) {
linkToRedirect += document.getElementById('searchInputId').value;
setTimeout( "window.location.href = linkToRedirect", 0 );

Window.location.href not working in IE for every page

There is a problem about javascript redirect in Internet Explorer. I couldn't redirect to another page in IE using

window.location.href = url;

This command gets executed (proofed with alert messages) but nothing happens. Firefox acts like expected but i couldn't get it work in IE.

I have finally found the solution after some google search.

RedirectUrl = url;
setTimeout( "window.location.href = RedirectUrl", 0 );

Another solution says that if you set this from the window.location.href in a Javascript function, is enough to return false. Check this out: IE bug.

24 Ekim 2007 Çarşamba

Bağımlılık yapan bir oyun

Flash Element TD
Warcraft'tan esinlenerek yapılmış bir oyun. Oyunun amacı basit. Bir labirentten her turda farklı özelliklerde ve sayılarda yaratıklar çıkıyor ve siz bunları labirentin kenarlarına kurduğunuz farklı özelliklerdeki kulelerinizden ateşlenen silahlarla durdurmaya çalışıyorsunuz. Kuleleri nereye kurduğunuz çok önemli. Aman dikkat.

Ben 34. turda 2054 puanda kalabildim. Zaten 39. turdan sonrasına gelen yok sanırım.

19 Ekim 2007 Cuma

Web 2.0 biziz

Web'in (özellikle de 2.0'ın) düşünce tarzımızda, kendimizi ifade edişimizde ne gibi değişikliklere sebep olduğuna dair bir video... Kansas State Üniversitesi'nden Michael Wesch tarafından hazırlanan video hem sunum tekniği hem anlattıkları açısından oldukça takdire şayan.

İzlerken beni çok gülümseten ve hoşuma giden bir sunum. Tavsiye ederim.

16 Ekim 2007 Salı

Firefoxu Hızlandırmak

Normal olarak Firefox bir web sayfasını açmak için o sayfaya bir istek gönderir. Eğer Firefox da Pipeling özelliğini aktif hale getirirseniz, sayfaya istek gönderilmez, aksine direkt olarak sayfa açılmaya çalışılır. Buda sayfanın daha çabuk tarayıcı ekranında gösterilmesini sağlar.

Firefox'da Pipeling özelliğini aşağıdaki şekilde aktif hale getirebilirsiniz:

1. İlk önce URL adres çubuğunda "about:config" yazın ve enter yapın.

2. Açılan menüdeki arama çubuğunda "pipelining" yazarak arama kriterlerini kısaltın. (Daha az sonuç ekrana yansır)

3. Aşağıdaki değerlerin TRUE olmasını sağlayın

* network.http.pipelining
* network.http.proxy.pipelining

Tips: Bu parametreler üstüne 2 kere çift tıklayarak TRUE olmasını sağlayabilirsiniz.

4. En fazla sorgulama için 30 değerini atayın. Bunun için,

* network.http.pipelining.maxrequests

değiskenin olduğu satırı bulun ve değişgen üstünde fare ile Sağ tıklayın, açılan menüden "Değiştir" seçerek, açılan kutuya 30 yazıp enter yapın.

5. Aynı menude fare ile boş bir yere sağ tıklayın.
Yeni -> Integer kısayolunu takip edin. Açılan menuye

* nglayout.initialpaint.delay

yazın. Değer olarak 0 (sıfır) atayın.

Bu yeni değer sayesinde istenen bilgiler için bekleme süresi 0(sıfır) olarak tanımlanır.

Pipeling özelliği aktif edilmiş Firefox tarayıcınız ile artık daha hızlı internette gezebileceksiniz, saygılar ..

5 Ekim 2007 Cuma

ZK Framework

Overteam'deki son projemiz diyalogo'da javascript ve ajax olayı biraz canımızı sıkınca, MIT mezunu dahi patronumuz Dr. Yaşar imdadımıza yetişti ve bizi ZK Framework isimli "javascript kullanmadan ajax" uygulayabileceğimiz bir framework ile tanıştırdı.

ZK framework, javascript bilgisi gerektirmeden birazcık programlama bilgisiyle zengin kullanıcı arabirimli web uygulamaları gerçekleştirmeyi sağlayan açık kaynak kodlu bir ajax web kütüphanesi. (1)

Ön yüz server tarafında XML ile oluşturuluyor, bir java web server’ına ve MySQL database’ine ihtiyaç duyuyor. En ilginç özelliği ön yüz için oluşturduğunuz XML içerisinde hem javascript hem de serverda çalışacak java kodları yazabiliyor olmanız. Mesela bir düğme tıklandığında validation’ı javascript ile yaparken tıklama sonrasında serverda yapılacak işleri java ile aynı XML’in içinde yazabiliyorsunuz. Dökümantasyon konusunda da çok zengin. (2)

ZK ile neler yapabileceğinizi görmek istiyorsanız, bu linkten canlı örneklere bakabilirsiniz: ZK Live Demo

ZK framework'ü hakkında daha ayrıntılı bilgi sahibi olmak için: http://www.zkoss.org/

1-) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZK_Framework
2-) http://www.yesiltas.net/sezer/2006/10/ajax.html

31 Temmuz 2007 Salı

Java ve .Net Yarışı Kızışıyor

Görünen o ki Java kullanıcı arabirimi (User Interface) pazarında liderliği .Net'e kaptırmış.

27 Mayıs 2007 Pazar

Execute Queries on a Database

A class that makes connection to database and run queries.

* FlightDB.java
* Created on 24 Dec 2006 Sunday, 06:00

package com.myairline.db;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

import com.myairline.type.Flight;
import com.myairline.type.Route;
import com.myairline.type.Plane;
import com.myairline.type.Airport;
import com.myairline.common.MyConstants;

* @author ozkansari
public class FlightDB {

Connection connection;

/** Creates a new instance of UserDB */
public FlightDB() {
DatabaseConn dbConn = new DatabaseConn();
connection = dbConn.getConnection();

public ArrayList searchFlight() {
return null;

public boolean insertNewFlight() {
return false;

public boolean deleteFlight() {
return false;

public void scheduleFlight() {

* @param fromAirportId
* @param toAirportId
* @param flightDate
* @param returnDate
* @param passengerCount
public ArrayList getFlightList( int fromAirportId, int toAirportId, Date flightDate, int passengerCount ) {

ArrayList flightList = new ArrayList();

try {
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
String q = "SELECT * FROM `flight` f , `route` r, `plane` p WHERE " +
"f.idRoute = r.idRoute AND " +
"f.idPlane = p.idPlane AND " +
"f.passenger_count + " + passengerCount + "<= p.capacity " + " AND " +
"r.start_airport =" + fromAirportId + " AND " +
"r.end_airport =" + toAirportId + " AND " +
"flightDate LIKE \"" + flightDate +"%\"" ;

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(q);

AirportDB airportcheck = new AirportDB();
Airport fromAirport = airportcheck.getAirport(fromAirportId );
Airport toAirport = airportcheck.getAirport(toAirportId );

while (rs.next()) {

Flight flight = new Flight();
Route route = new Route();
Plane plane = new Plane();

flight.setIdPlane(rs.getInt("f.idPlane")) ;
flight.setIdRoute(rs.getInt("f.idRoute")) ;
flight.setPassengerCount(rs.getInt("f.passenger_count")) ;
flight.setTicketFare(rs.getInt("f.ticket_fare")) ;
flight.setFlightStatus(rs.getString("f.status")) ;

route.setStartAirport( fromAirport );
route.setEndAirport( toAirport );


flight.setFlightPlane( plane ) ;
flight.setFlightRoute( route ) ;


} catch (SQLException e) {

return flightList;


A Simple Servlet Example 2

A simple java servlet which gets requests from a web page as parameter, process the request, set response attributes and forwards to destination page

* SearchServlet.java
* Created on 23 Dec 2006 Saturday, 17:45

package com.myairline.servlets;

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import com.myairline.db.DatabaseConn;
import com.myairline.db.AirportDB;
import com.myairline.db.FlightDB;
import com.myairline.db.PassengerDB;
import com.myairline.db.TicketDB;

import com.myairline.type.Airport;
import com.myairline.type.Flight;
import com.myairline.type.Ticket;
import com.myairline.type.Passenger;
import com.myairline.type.CreditCard;

import com.myairline.common.MyConstants;

* @author ozkansari
* @version
public class SearchServlet extends HttpServlet {

AirportDB airportCheck;
ArrayList airportList;

FlightDB flightCheck;
ArrayList flightList1, flightList2;
PassengerDB passengerCheck;
TicketDB ticketCheck;

Flight currentFlight, currentFlight2 ;

/** Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> methods.
* @param request servlet request
* @param response servlet response
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {

// Page will be forwarded to :::
String destinationPage = "";

// Make database connection :::
DatabaseConn dbConn = new DatabaseConn();
Connection connection = dbConn.getConnection();

// get command parameter that will decide which operation is performed :::
String cmd = (String) request.getParameter("cmd");

// get session variable :::
HttpSession sessionVar = request.getSession();

// Check command and perform the proper operation :::
if( cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("flight_search") ) {
String source = (String) request.getParameter("source");

// Get Airport List to send them to next page as bean :::
airportCheck = new AirportDB();
ArrayList airportList = airportCheck.getAirportList();

// Set Attribute and destination Page :::
if( source.equalsIgnoreCase("customer") )
destinationPage = "/customer/flightSearch.jsp";
else if( source.equalsIgnoreCase("agency") )
destinationPage = "/agency/flightSearch.jsp";
request.setAttribute( "airportList", airportList );

else if( cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("get_flights") ) {
String returnFlight = (String) request.getParameter("return");

// Get parameters :::
int fromAirportId = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("fromAirportsList") );
int toAirportId = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("toAirportsList") ) ;
int day1 = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("daydropdown1") );
int month1 = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("monthdropdown1") );
int year1 = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("yeardropdown1") );
Date departDate = new Date( year1-1900, month1, day1 );
int passengerCount = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("passengerCount") );

// Get Airport List to send them to next page as bean :::
flightCheck = new FlightDB();
flightList1 = flightCheck.getFlightList( fromAirportId,toAirportId,departDate,passengerCount);

Date returnDate = null;
if( returnFlight.equalsIgnoreCase( "yes" ) ) {
int day2 = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("daydropdown2") );
int month2 = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("monthdropdown2") );
int year2 = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("yeardropdown2") );
returnDate = new Date( year2-1900, month2, day2 );

flightList2 = flightCheck.getFlightList( toAirportId,fromAirportId,returnDate,passengerCount);
request.setAttribute( "flightList2", flightList2 );

// Set Attribute and destination Page :::
String source = (String) request.getParameter("source");
if( source.equalsIgnoreCase("customer") )
destinationPage = "/customer/flightResults.jsp";
else if( source.equalsIgnoreCase("agency") )
destinationPage = "/agency/flightResults.jsp";

request.setAttribute( "passengerCount", ""+passengerCount );
request.setAttribute( "flightList1", flightList1 );


else if( cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("selected_flight") ) {

// Define variables :::
Iterator flightIterator ,flightIterator2;

// Get source: Agency or Customer?
String source = (String) request.getParameter("source");

// Get flight selection :::
int flightSelection = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("flightSelection") );

// Get number of passengers :::
int passengerCount = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("passengerCount") );
request.setAttribute( "passengerCount", ""+passengerCount );

// Get depart flight Info :::
flightIterator = flightList1.iterator();
while( flightIterator.hasNext() ) {
currentFlight = (Flight) flightIterator.next();

if( currentFlight.getFlightNo() == flightSelection ) {
request.setAttribute( "selectedFlight", currentFlight );

if( request.getParameter("flightSelection2") != null ) {

int flightSelection2 = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("flightSelection2") );

// Get return flight Info :::
flightIterator2 = flightList2.iterator();
while( flightIterator2.hasNext() ) {
currentFlight2 = (Flight) flightIterator2.next();

if( currentFlight2.getFlightNo() == flightSelection2 ) {
request.setAttribute( "selectedFlight2", currentFlight2 );
// Set Attribute and destination Page :::
if( source.equalsIgnoreCase("customer") )
destinationPage = "/customer/payment.jsp";
else if( source.equalsIgnoreCase("agency") ) {

// Get sale selection: Single or Group?
String saleSelection = (String) request.getParameter("saleSelection");
if( saleSelection.equalsIgnoreCase( "single" ) )
destinationPage = "/agency/singleSale.jsp";
else if( saleSelection.equalsIgnoreCase( "group" ) )
destinationPage = "/agency/groupSale.jsp";

} else if( cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("payFlight") ) {

// Define ::
ArrayList departTicketList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList returnTicketList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList passengerList = new ArrayList();
int selectedFlightNo, selectedFlightNo2;

// Get selected depart flight No :::
selectedFlightNo = Integer.parseInt( (String) request.getParameter("flightNo") ) ;

// Get and set credit card info parameters :::
CreditCard cardInfo = new CreditCard();
cardInfo.setCardOwner( (String) request.getParameter("cardOwner") );
cardInfo.setCardNo( (String) request.getParameter("cardNo") );
int day = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("daydropdown1") );
int month = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("monthdropdown1") );
int year = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("yeardropdown1") );
cardInfo.setExpireDate( new Date( year-1900, month, day ) );
cardInfo.setSecurityCode( (String) request.getParameter("securityCode") ) ;

// Ticket sale for the specified number of passengers
int passengerCount = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("passengerCount") );
for( int i=1; i<=passengerCount ; i++ ) {

// Get and set Passenger info parameters :::
Passenger passenger = new Passenger();
passenger.setName( (String) request.getParameter("name"+i) );
passenger.setSurname( (String) request.getParameter("surname"+i) ) ;
passenger.setAge( Integer.parseInt( (String) request.getParameter("age"+i) ) );
passenger.setSex( request.getParameter("gender"+i).charAt(0) );
passenger.setPassportId( (String) request.getParameter("passportId"+i) ) ;
passenger.setAddress( (String) request.getParameter("address"+i) );
passenger.setPhoneNo( (String) request.getParameter("phoneNo"+i) ) ;

// Set ticket info :::
Ticket departTicket = new Ticket();
departTicket.setFlightNo( selectedFlightNo );
departTicket.setFarePaid( currentFlight.getTicketFare() );
departTicket.setTicketStatus( "active" );
departTicket.setMyFlight( currentFlight );

// Create a new depart ticket :::
ticketCheck = new TicketDB();
int idTicket = ticketCheck.insertTicket( departTicket );
passenger.setIdTicket( idTicket );
departTicket.setIdTicket( idTicket );

// Create a new passenger :::
passengerCheck = new PassengerDB();
boolean check = passengerCheck.insertNewPassenger( passenger );

if( request.getParameter("flightNo2") != null ) {

// Create a new passenger
Passenger passenger2 = new Passenger( passenger );

// get selected return flight no
selectedFlightNo2 = Integer.parseInt( (String) request.getParameter("flightNo2") ) ;

// Set ticket info :::
Ticket returnTicket = new Ticket();
returnTicket.setFlightNo( selectedFlightNo2 );
returnTicket.setFarePaid( currentFlight2.getTicketFare() );
returnTicket.setTicketStatus( "active" );
returnTicket.setMyFlight( currentFlight2 );

// Create a new depart ticket :::
ticketCheck = new TicketDB();
int idTicket2 = ticketCheck.insertTicket( returnTicket );
passenger2.setIdTicket( idTicket2 );
returnTicket.setIdTicket( idTicket2 );

// Create a new passenger entry for return flight
boolean check2 = passengerCheck.insertNewPassenger( passenger2 );

returnTicketList.add( returnTicket );


// Set Attributes ::
departTicketList.add( departTicket );
passengerList.add( passenger );

} // end-for-loop

if( request.getParameter("flightNo2") != null ) {
request.setAttribute( "ticketList2", returnTicketList );
request.setAttribute( "flight2", currentFlight2 );
request.setAttribute( "flight", currentFlight );
request.setAttribute( "passengerCount", ""+passengerCount );
request.setAttribute( "ticketList", departTicketList );
request.setAttribute( "passengerList", passengerList );

// Set destination Page :::
String source = (String) request.getParameter("source");
if( source.equalsIgnoreCase("customer") )
destinationPage = "/customer/showTicket.jsp";
else if( source.equalsIgnoreCase("agency") )
destinationPage = "/agency/showTicket.jsp";

else if( cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("payGroupFlight") ) {

int agencyId = Integer.parseInt( (String) request.getParameter("agencyId") );
int passengerCount = Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("passengerCount") );

// Get selected depart flight No :::
int departFlightNo = Integer.parseInt( (String) request.getParameter("flightNo") ) ;

// get selected return flight no
if( request.getParameter("flightNo2") != null ) {
int returnFlightNo = Integer.parseInt( (String) request.getParameter("flightNo2") ) ;

if( request.getParameter("flightNo2") != null ) {
request.setAttribute( "flight2", currentFlight2 );
request.setAttribute( "flight", currentFlight );
request.setAttribute( "passengerCount", ""+passengerCount );

destinationPage = "/agency/showGroupTicket.jsp";


// Clean your garbage :::

// Go to destination page :::
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(destinationPage);
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code.">
/** Handles the HTTP <code>GET</code> method.
* @param request servlet request
* @param response servlet response
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
processRequest(request, response);

/** Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
* @param request servlet request
* @param response servlet response
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
processRequest(request, response);

/** Returns a short description of the servlet.
public String getServletInfo() {
return "Short description";
// </editor-fold>

A simple JSP File

A simple JSP file which gets results from request attributes and display them through iterations

<%@page contentType="text/html" import="java.util.*, com.myairline.type.*" %>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
The taglib directive below imports the JSTL library. If you uncomment it,
you must also add the JSTL library to the project. The Add Library... action
on Libraries node in Projects view can be used to add the JSTL 1.1 library.
<%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link href="resources/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<title>Flight Results</title>


// Get and set attributes :::
ArrayList flightList1 = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("flightList1");
ArrayList flightList2 = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("flightList2");
int passengerCount = Integer.parseInt( (String) request.getAttribute( "passengerCount") );



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->

<table border="1" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4">

<th> Option </th>
<th> Flight No </th>
<th> Depart Date </th>
<th> From </th>
<th> To </th>
<th> Price </th>

<form name="flightSelectForm" method="post" action="/MyAirline/SearchServlet?cmd=selected_flight&source=customer">

<td colspan="6">
// Add Elements to Depart Flight Results List -
Iterator flightIterator = flightList1.iterator();

boolean isEmpty1 = true;
while( flightIterator.hasNext() ) {
Flight currentFlight = (Flight) flightIterator.next();

<% out.println("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"flightSelection\" value=\""+ currentFlight.getFlightNo() +"\" />" ); %>

<%= currentFlight.getFlightNo()%>

<%= currentFlight.getFlightDate()%>

<%= currentFlight.getFlightRoute().getStartAirport().toString() %>

<%= currentFlight.getFlightRoute().getEndAirport().toString() %>

<%= currentFlight.getTicketFare()%>

} // end-while-

if( isEmpty1 ) {
<td colspan="6" > NO MATCHING RESULTS </td>
} // -end-if-

<td colspan="6">

boolean isEmpty2 = true;
if( flightList2 != null ) {

// Add Elements to Depart Flight Results List -
Iterator flightIterator2 = flightList2.iterator();

isEmpty2 = true;
while( flightIterator2.hasNext() ) {
Flight currentFlight2 = (Flight) flightIterator2.next();

<% out.println("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"flightSelection2\" value=\""+ currentFlight2.getFlightNo() +"\" />" ); %>

<%= currentFlight2.getFlightNo()%>

<%= currentFlight2.getFlightDate()%>

<%= currentFlight2.getFlightRoute().getStartAirport().toString() %>

<%= currentFlight2.getFlightRoute().getEndAirport().toString() %>

<%= currentFlight2.getTicketFare()%>

} // end-while-

} // -end-if-

if( isEmpty2 ) {
<td colspan="6" > NO MATCHING RESULTS </td>
} // -end-if-

<% if( isEmpty1 == false ) { %>

<td> Passenger Count: </td>
<%= passengerCount %>

<input type="hidden" name="passengerCount" value="<%= passengerCount %>" />

<td align=center colspan="36">
<A href="/MyAirline/SearchServlet?cmd=flight_search&source=agency" target="mainFrame"> SEARCH AGAIN </A>
<td colspan="6" align=center>
<input type="submit" value="CONTINUE TO PAYMENT" name="payment" />

} // -end-if-


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->

