21 Mart 2011 Pazartesi

Developer Links of March 2011 / Mart Ayı Bağlantıları

Articles / Makaleler

Unit Tests 
When you ask a development team if they do unit testing, they always answer yes. When you dig, the meaning of the term “unit testing” is highly variable: manual tests specified by a document, automated testing of GUI, test of classes using a main()… Finally only few projects industrialize their unit testing with dedicated frameworks.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" vs. "Continuous improvement"  
Bert Lance said that “That’s the trouble with government: Fixing things that aren’t broken and not fixing things that are broken.” But what about the improvement and “change for the better”?!. If there’s a potentially worthwhile pay off, if it’s reasonably cheap to try, maybe it is well worth changing things that aren’t especially broken.

Tools / Araçlar :
http://initializr.com/ HTML5 Templates Generator

http://guryjs.org/ HTML5 Canvas Utility JS Library

http://www.sproutcore.com/ HTML5 Application Framework

http://www.jformer.com/demos/ Beautiful Forms with JQuery

http://treesaverjs.com/ Magazine Layout Framework

http://sass-lang.com/ Easy CSS

Technology / Teknoloji: 
http://click.apache.org/ Apache Web framework 
http://www.microsoft.com/web/webmatrix/ MS Web Matrix

8 jQuery Methods You Need to Know 
Jquery Plugin: Expanding Image Menu 
Portfolio Zoom Slider with jQuery 
Sliding Door Effect 
Web Dev Tools 
8 Impressive Websites with Jquery Effects 
10 Cool Websites with Amazing jQuery Effects

RF4 Early Showcase 
RF4 in GoogleAppEngine 
RF4 Overview

Web Dev Tools 
Cheat Sheets

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